Monday, March 05, 2007

Hillary Clinton is a radical.

This is all that you really need to know about Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton. She is a died in the wool liberal, and that's a putting it mildly. At heart, Hillary Clinton is a socialist and probably believes communism would work in America. Of course this is my personal opinion, but I know it is an opinion shared by millions of my fellow Americans.

I have made it a point not to comment heavily on the topic of politics but I have very strong feelings when it comes to the Clinton's. Perhaps it is due to my career in the Army, but ethics and moral standards are important to me. I feel they are vital attributes in our president, for all our elected representatives in fact. This is why I have a favorable impression of President Bush. Regardless of whether I agree with him on an issue or not, I don't have to guess where he stands. The nation cannot rely on that kind of courage from Hillary Clinton. Isn't it obvious having observed her for the past two decades, that she has no problem with flip flopping? How many times do we have to witness her saying one thing to a group of people, to have her later say the opposite to another group in another forum? How can America possibly entrust it's future to her? What would she do? What would she try and do?

Well, we know this much:

She doesn't like the military. She insisted that military personnel not visit the White House in uniform, rather that they wear civilian clothing. Her husband wrote a paper in which he admitted loathing the military.

She has a terrible memory at the most convenient times, for her, especially if the truth would reflect badly upon her, read; Whitewater.

Hillary Clinton wants to appear to be an independent woman capable of standing on her own. But she needs her husband if she is to stand a chance at the Oval Office, and she knows it. This is why she stands behind her adulterating husband while he insults women.

Why did Hillary Clinton ask her Alma mater, Wellesly College to put her undergraduate thesis under lock and key? Because in that thesis, she embraces the model presented by a far left radical Saul Alinksky. A man who outlined the necessity of reforming our capitalistic society through a direct takeover of power.

I think, no, I know that Hillary Clinton is a socialist. Why does she hide it?

Because if that particular gene were let out of the bottle, she wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of ever getting elected president.

As first lady she told the country she was the "co-president" she actually headed the health care reform effort, an effort the failed miserably. Who in the hell did she think she was? She wasn't elected and she had NO right to insert herself to any position of authority.

Hillary Clinton is not the altruistic woman she would have us think. Her political career is based on lies and deceit. While claiming she had no intention of ever running for president and claiming that she only wanted to be a senator from New York; that she would give her undivided attention to the people of New York, every move she made since then as been with an eye on the White House. She saw the senatorship as punching her ticket, a way to pad her resume for a White House bid.

And so, Hillary Clinton has, and does continue to present an untrue image of herself that she thinks she can sell on the American electorate. You must always keep in mind, Hillary Clinton lusts for power, she will say or do anything to achieve it. She has sold her soul in pursuit of it. And I have to wonder, what would she do if she were the president? I don't think she even knows, to people like her, the thrill is in the campaign, the goal is the victory, what comes after is secondary.

I know that she would increase your taxes and she would confiscate corporate profits, she would gut the military and she would put America's future in the hands of the United Nations.

Hillary Clinton's strategy is obvious. She must appear to be a liberal because liberals vote in large numbers in the Democratic primary. But she must also convince America she is a conservative, because she can't win the general election without major conservative votes.

I actually shudder at the thought of our future with Hillary Clinton at the helm of our nation.

I do not know who I will vote for in the 2008 presidential election. But I have made a decision already. And that is I will not vote for Hillary, and I will actively work against her candidacy. Not that I dislike her personally. But because I don't trust her, and I don't respect her. The President of the United States at the very least must be trustworthy, and respectable. Even if we disagree with his policies, that is something we can work around. However, if you are constantly trying to figure out what your president really believes? Well, that's a recipe for the fall of America.

It is difficult for me to comprehend that Hillary Clinton is taken seriously as a presidential candidate, and I think it has much to do with the fact that she is the wife of Bill Clinton more than anything else.

I have heard liberals say anyone but George Bush, while I disagree with them I can relate to how they feel. Because in my mind, its anyone but Hillary Clinton.

I don't know about you, but I think our future is too important for a reactionary, socialist radical like Hillary Clinton to be entrusted with the office of the presidency.

I hope you will join me in pointing out her lies, hypocrisy and deceit whenever the opportunity presents itself.

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