Thursday, March 15, 2007

College students are more selfish than ever before.

I remember when I was a young father and serving in the US Army hearing the psychobabble emanating from progressive circles that American parents should do all in their power to create an attitude of "I am special" in their children. I remember news reports of teachers marking up poorly written papers turned in by students because the old red pen was too harsh. I remember hearing of sporting events where every team and every participant went home with trophy in hand because it was important not to make any of the children feel like they had lost; to send them all home feeling like a winner no matter their performance. Daycare centers were told to use care and make sure that no children felt inferior to others or that any of them felt superior. These are but a couple of examples; but there are many more, of the philosophy in liberal progressive circles that it was important that all of our children feel a sameness. Superior performances were not to be rewarded for the sake of the kids who could not, or would not put in the same time and effort. And I remember at the time, this psychobabble was just a load of crap. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.

In an extensive study by five prominent psychologists it has been found that college students today are more selfish, self centered and narcissistic than their predecessors. And it is reason to be concerned, these psychologists claim. These students will tend to lack a sense of empathy, react aggressively to criticism and favor self-promotion over helping others.

Nice going liberals.

Today, General William S. Wallace, Commanding General of the US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) announced that the results of a TRADOC survey among American youth contained some interesting responses. I make the connection of these the college study and TRADOC survey myself, General Wallace did not.

The TRADOC survey found that:

Propensity to enlist in the Army is at the lowest it has been in over two decades.
Patriotism has steadily decreased since 2002.

College is overwhelmingly the preferred post-high school choice, for both prospects and influencers. Educational opportunity is the major incentive.

Breaking through media "clutter" continues to be challenging.

The Army is perceived as "ordinary" vs. other services.

The Global War on Terrorism continues to have a polarizing effect on the youth market.

General Wallace continued; "We found out some pretty interesting statistics. Eighty percent of the youth today said the never watch the commercials on television. Ninety percent engage in text messaging in some form or another on a daily basis, 85 percent have access to an Internet connection that they access routinely." This explains why I see so many 250 lbs 13 year old kids these days.

If you haven't figured out why the college study and the TRADOC survey are important to our country and our Army, I'll tell you why. College students in my opinion, continue to be influenced and indoctrinated into the lunatic liberal, anti military camp and enlisting in the Army to these young people is looked upon with disfavor, even disdain. I think that young people tend to think they are above serving their country in the Army.

And yet, according to TRADOC; Only 27 percent of young Americans age 17 to 24 actually qualify to be in the Army. The other 73 percent are disqualified either morally, intellectually or physically. On a personal note, I can back up those numbers. Based on my experience as an Army Recruiter from 1995-98 in Denver, Colorado. It was a continual source of amazement to me, to watch potential recruits fail the military entrance examination. It isn't that hard, at least I thought it wasn't that hard. How could anyone who paid any attention in high school fail the entrance exam?

Our nation has more than one problem in this regard. Only 27 percent of 17-24 year old American youth are eligible to serve in the Army. The majority of this 27 percent do not consider the Army a valid career choice. High School and College campi across the nation seem to be doing their level best to bar military recruiters from school property. Our students continue to be indoctrinated into the lunatic left fringe rather than being trained to think for themselves. We are in a struggle for our very survival, engaged in what will be a decades long fight against global terror. So, who will man the front lines? Who will protect the homeland? Who will vanquish our enemy? Democrats have even broached the subject of reviving the draft. The progressives, liberals, socialist and communist faculty and staff across the land beware; continue to indoctrinate our young students, continue to preach an anti military attitude, continue to resist allowing recruiters to visit prospects on school property and stand by for the draft to be revived, and you have yourselves to thank for it.

Europe has for all intents and purposes lost it's culture and we are treading the same path. I tend to think that this is exactly what the far left wants. It is, it has always been incumbant upon those of us who have worn the uniform to be ambassadors for the military. Although many on the left can't stand this, it is a fact that we are looked upon more or less with respect and honor by most Americans even if they won't say it. People listen to what we say and we have great influence, our words have an impact, our mentorship is valued. We should mentor young Americans who in our estimation could be successful in the military to visit a recruiter and learn the facts. It is incumbant upon us to help dispell this inane beleif that all recruiters are crooks. It is incumbant upon us to do what we can. Most of us would put the uniform back on and man the front lines if we could, but most of us can't. So, lets do what we can to be a voice of realism, and reality when it comes to serving in the military today.

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