Tuesday, February 06, 2007

William Arkin must go!

As you well know by now, William Arkin an employee of the Washington Post has created a firestorm in his blogs insulting, attacking the integrity of the American Soldier, questioning their motives for serving and berating them for craving the support of the American public.

I have been going to his blog since Feb 1 every so often to read responses to his hate filled diatribe and it can only be described as a circus.

I would caution anyone thinking about accessing his blog to see the responses, you will probably be disappointed. It is now dominated by five or six morons who have turned the comment's page into a running verbal abuse contest, not worth your time.

And as I pondered this issue, the thought occurred to me that Arkin may have created this controversy on purpose for the sake of ratings and attention. It seems like a strange way to go about it, but then again, Arkin is an avowed liberal lunatic, a hater in the first order who doesn't let facts get in the way.

I would urge Americans to respond in a way that Arkin, the Washington Post, NBC and General Electric will actually feel it.

Believe it or not, I subscribed to the Washington Post as a way to keep tabs on what the wacky left is up to, but two days ago I cancelled my subscription.

I will boycott NBC, if I could I would remove that channel from my television. Be that as it may, I will never tune to NBC again, or, until Arkin appears on national TV to admit his stupidity and apologize or, he is fired.

I have written an email to the CEO of General Electric, which is the parent company of NBC and the Washington Post and in that email I urged Jeffrey Immelt to have Arkin fired. I also informed Mr. Immelt that I'm dumping my shares of GE stock this week. I have procured a fair amount of GE stock as part of my kid's stock portfolio's that I intended to use to help pay for their college. But, there are plenty of blue chip stocks out there performing better than GE, it's no sacrifice to dump it.

I urge you all to stand up and be counted. This is something that you can do to really put some meaning in the statement "I support our troops."

Do it now people.

Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman & CEO
General Electric Company3135
Easton Turnpike
Fairfield, CT 06828-0001

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