Friday, February 16, 2007

American liberals, Congressional Democrats and anti war idiots across the fruited plain are doing their best to ignore something, they don't want you to notice either and are pulling out all the stops to divert your attention from it.
We are winning the struggle for Iraq.
I submit for your consideration. The main stream media, with it's predominantly anti war agenda has almost imperceptibly begun to broadcast positive news coming from Baghdad. And never forget, Baghdad is the key to Iraq. Baghdad and the Al Anbar Province is where the violence is concentrated, but Baghdad is generally recognized by the experts as the linchpin of Iraq. Control the situation in Baghdad and you control Iraq.
Mooky Al Sadr has fled Iraq and is now safely tucked away in Iran. Do you need any further proof that Iran has been supporting Mooky and his ilk all along?
Iraq has ordered her borders with Syria and Iran sealed.
Since our courageous troops began offensive operations in Baghdad, there have been no attacks on our troops.
The spectre of our troops going on the offensive and taking the fight right at the militias and death squads in Baghdad was enough to force them into hiding. Our troops are weeding them out and killing or capturing them at breakneck speed. And high ranking terrorists have been killed or captured as well.
Liberal bloggers both professional and amateur are going nuts! They have gone off the deep end. Our troops are now regularly being called mercenaries. In general, the liberal blogesphere has pulled out all the stops in a desperate smear campaign directed at our Commander in Chief and our Soldiers and Marines. It has been a very disgraceful display.
The Democratically controlled Congress, now full of yellow bellied anti war cowards have spent the last week debating a useless nonbinding vote to oppose a troop surge that has already begun?! Talk about desperation. I hold any representative who votes in favor of this measure in utter contempt! Words fail to describe how I feel about these traitors! Lets suffice to say that I think our troops will remember this in the next election; I know I will.
Consider if you will, the mass and power of the United States Army, and Marine Corps. If our ground forces are determined to out last the insurgents they can. It is a matter of numbers. While I don't think that ten Iraqi lives are worth one of our troops, I submit to you that our overall casualty rate in Iraq is mild in comparison to wars past. And considering what our troops have accomplished in Iraq, the casualty rate is astounding. Our troops, even with draconian rules of engagement and other rules that interfere with their ability to protect themselves have performed miraculously.
All classic insurgencies eventually transition from guerrilla tactics to conventional military tactics. Read your military history, there are a plethora of examples. Where is the insurgent Army? Where is it hiding? Fact is, they don't have an army and they can't take control of Iraq when or if we leave. One of the features of this war that makes it different from insurgencies of the past is that the conventional component of the insurgents is non-existent. In other words, the insurgents and the foreign terrorists goal is simple, to force us out of the country. Once this was accomplished, what you would have seen, was the Iranian military moving in and taking over the country and we can all agree that would be a disaster.
Our troops have turned the corner my friends. And the worst nightmare of the screeching anti war crowd is on the verge of coming to fruition. We are going to win! Our troops have had to fight against the odds since the day widespread looting broke out upon the fall of the Hussein regime. But our troops never gave up, they watched, and they learned. The applied those lessons learned and became experts in this kind of war.
During this operation, I had faith in our military, hell, I helped train some of the troops over there and I know their quality. While I became frustrated with Rumsfeld and the OSD, I never lost faith in the military. Now, we have who I consider the best General Officer in the entire US Military leading the best Army we have ever had. We are going to win.
Be happy my friends, be happy indeed. And witness the three ring circus on Capital Hill as the Democratically controlled Congress attempts to convince the American public that we are losing, that we can't win and that we simply must leave Iraq.
Too late. We're winning.


Hepzibah The Watchman said...

I agree, we are winning the war and it is driving the liberals crazy. I am embarrassed and outraged about the non binding resolution. First they are wasting tax payers dollars and second the are emboldening the enemy. Does separation of powers mean anything to these people?

ssgrock said...

The only thing liberals seem to understand is negativity, doom and defeatism. Whats happening to our once great nation? My friend, it is time to drop the gloves and stop fighting nice. It's time to nail these liberals to the wall. They would see the fall of our Democracy, as long as it kept them in power; forever.

Anonymous said...

Nice Blogspace SSG, gonna hafta visit it more often
