Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hugo Chavez is the devil!
I watched the President of Venezuela deliver a speech to a virtually empty UN a couple of days ago. A speech in which he called President Bush "The Devil" no less than eight times. I sat on my sofa doing a slow burn as I watched theatrics the likes of which have not been seen since the days of Adolf Hitler. Somehow I think Fidel gave him some tips on his delivery during Chavez's visit to old Fidel a few weeks ago.The few UN members who bothered to stick around and listen to this chattering monkey were given quite a treat, but it was not a speech befitting the UN. It was a display of arrogance, it was the epitome of self righteous indignation. It became obvious to me that the UN members who stayed in their seats to listen to this idiot were of the same mind as Chavez, for I heard laughter, chuckles and applause throughout his inane, baseless diatribe and I took solace in the fact that most of the UN members knew that he wasn't worth their time. In short, Hugo Chavez made an absolute idiot of himself in front of the entire nation. He should have painted his face with clown makeup.
Hugo Chavez had the audacity to criticize the United States and our president, as though Venezuela is perfect. Lets just take a moment to take a look at the wonderful state of Venezuela under the dictatorship of Hugo "The Devil" Chavez shall we? Who knows, maybe we'll learn how to govern a proper democracy?
The members of the UN who graciously sat through Chavez's speech against President Bush are among the very same UN members that have urged Venezuela to repeal laws that allow for the prosecution and imprisonment of it's citizens who disrespect certain state officials, naturally including El Presidenta Chavez for up to 40 months. Additionally, Chavez's Venezuela may also prosecute citizens for "defaming" the government as well. The UN and Human Rights Watch have urged Venezuela to repeal such laws as Argentina, Costa Rica, Paraguay and Peru have done already. Chile and Panama are in the process of repealing such laws.
Human Rights Watch has also expressed concern as the Venezuelan Congress dealt a sever blow to independence by packing the country's Supreme Court with 12 new justices. Five years ago Presidential Candidate Chavez promised to enshrine the principle of judicial independence with a new democratic constitution. After his election, the Chavez government betrays that promise by expanding the court from 20 to 32 members with the 12 new members all being members of Chavez's Fifth Republic Movement. This court packing law also gave the governing coalition the power to remove judges from the court without the two-thirds vote required under the constitution.
The state effectively controls television and radio broadcasting. Through the Law of Social Responsibility in Radio and Television the state, through loosely worded rules on incitement of breaches of public order can penalize broadcasters legitimate expression of political views.
The people of the United States should be outraged by Chavez's remarks. His criticism should ring hallow for every day, he increases his power through abuse of his authority.
Chavez is a socialist, claims to embrace democracy while totally rejecting the claim he's a dictator. But if you'll recall your history, Chavez eventually was elected president after his failed coup attempt in 1992 which resulted in the deaths of 14 soldiers and over 100 civilian and military injuries. Ever wonder why Venezuela is even more divided that the United States? Chavez and his allies took it upon themselves to circumvent democracy with their coup attempt! And he now has the audacity to claim he believes in democracy? Where were his beliefs in 1992? Ultimately the president they were trying to overthrow was removed from office the next year as a result of charges of corruption, which makes it abundantly clear, the Venezuela political system was healthy and capable of dealing with such abuses through legal means, his coup was a complete waste of time, and unfortunately people died as a result.
In 1994 after serving two years in prison for his coup attempt, he was graciously pardoned as was his main ally Francisco Cardenas. In 1998 he ran a populist campaign that was funded in large measure by millions of dollars in illegal contributions by two foreign banks. During his campaign he swore to abolish the traditional political system, put an end to corruption in government and eliminate poverty in the country. In 1999, the Venezuelan Constitution was rewritten by a group of Chavez supporters. This new and "improved" constitution tremendously increased the power of the president and weakened the power of the legislature.
In 2000, Chavez was not surprisingly re-elected under the new constitution. Amazingly enough, his opponent was his chief ally, Cardenas, and between the two of them, they captured 97% of the vote. Surprise of surprises, Cardenas is now the Venezuelan ambassador to the United Nations. This would seem to indicate that the voters of Venezuela had to choose between the lesser of two evils that had a mere eight years prior, been traitors to the country.
In 2004, Venezuelans attempted to recall Chavez was impeded by the government, recall supporters were subject to intimidation but eventually a recall referendum was held. Chavez, allegedly survived with 60% of the vote in his favor. That recall was endorsed by President Carter, but exit polls indicated the opposite; that Chavez was effectively recalled by 60% of the voters. The vote was marred by a lack of transparency and obstructionism during the process that led to the US News and World Report to agree that there was compelling reason to believe that Chavez only retained his presidency due to massive voter fraud!
Has Chavez made good on his campaign promise to improve the lot of the poor in his country? It seems doubtful according to most UN and Human Rights Watch reports. Chavez seems to be spending the bulk of his time and effort in office in rigging a way for him to stay in office longer than the constitutionally mandated two terms. Time will tell in that regard.
Chavez undoubtedly engaged in traitorous acts against his country, was imprisoned, accepted illegal campaign contributions from rich multinational companies while claiming to being interested in helping the poor, he created a new constitution handing him more and more power. His only subsequent election was against a coup co-conspirator of his 1992 coup attempt who is now ambassador to the UN, it is likely that he was recalled by the voters of Venezuela in 2004, his government is rife with the exact corruption as previous governments and he is already attempting to rewrite the constitution so he can continue as the president.
Chavez deserves nothing from Americans but our contempt. Over the past few years, Chavez has made headlines not through anti poverty campaigns or fighting corruption in the government, but through a domestic was-the-dog campaign in which he has attempted to convince the citizens of Venezuela that an American attack is imminent, and by a more recent international campaign that is characterized by an inflammatory anti-American message. His domestic agenda is clear, to unite Venezuelans against an imaginary American military strike, in this way he distracts the people from whatever complaints they might otherwise voice against him as the move ever closer to the election in December. His anti-American rhetoric seems to be focused on gaining prominence in the eyes of the world and to gain support for his call for Venezuela to be given a seat on the UN Security Council; which is laughable and would be an utter disaster.
If it were not bad enough to have an idiot, tinpot dictator in the western hemisphere to step into the role of Castro, Chavez is supporting Iran in their nuclear program. He has also allied himself with Syria and hopes soon to meet with the pot bellied pig in North Korea. He has threatened to stop selling oil to the US. Chavez is clearly an irrational man conducting a dangerous foreign policy that borders on brinkmanship. He is attempting to solidify a bloc of anti-American nations to oppose and undermine the US. He even went so far as to recommend that the UN be moved from the US to some other location, and naturally he offered Venezuela as an option. While he obviously hates our President, he has also made it abundantly clear that he is opposed to the "American Empire", and that does not refer to President Bush alone, he's talking about America proper. I predict that Chavez is going to be the President of Venezuela for decades, when Bush is long gone.
Many countries may not be fond of our President, but there is a difference between disliking our President and creating an anti-American alliance that will in all probability be in existence long after Bush leaves office. I tell you here and now, the only way Chavez will relinquish office is through death or political uprising at the hands of the people of Venezuela.
Americans should understand and remember that Chavez is not our friend. He is a liar who will stoop to any means necessary to bring about our downfall. Not only is he actively engaged in creating an anti-American alliance, he is forming that alliance with the most brutal and irrational governments on the face of the earth, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Cuba. At least two of these unstable countries is in or about to join the nuclear club. And all are safe haven to state sponsored terrorists. This week for example, Iran and Venezuela signed an agreement to produce gun powder and small aircraft in Venezuela, why gun powder? Does Iran intend to use it for their peaceful alternative power program too?
My fellow Americans, we have our differences, and regardless of how you feel about President Bush, that fact is Chavez is opposing him to curry the favor of those who do not support him. Do not let Chavez fool you into thinking he is your friend. Remember the reality of how Chavez got to the presidency. Remember he is a socialist, his lack of attention to his campaign promise to alleviate the suffering of the poor, who constitute 50% of the population of Venezuela by the way. And remember the fact that he is trying to recruit rogue states into an alliance against our country.
Think about this, Chavez hangs onto his power by using the tactics that many accuse Bush of using regarding election fraud. It is reasonable to conclude that those who make these kinds of accusations against the President of the United States should hold Chavez to the same standard, should they not? Yet, some who accuse Bush excuse Chavez. In so doing, they do a disservice to the democratic principles they claim to hold in such esteem.
In the 1980s the US treated an Iraqi dictator as a friend because he was opposed to the US's enemies in the region; Iran. Ten years later, he became our enemy and the conflict that ensued has torn our unity apart. Some Americans that approve of Chavez are the same ones that accuse past administrations of stupidity in supporting Saddam in the early years. But these same people have not learned an important lesson from that mistake; That the enemy of your enemy is not always your friend. Just because Iraq stood against Iran did not make Saddam any less brutal. Likewise, certain Americans need to come to the realization that the fact that Chavez opposes Bush does not make him a friend of the American opponents to Bush.
We have far more things in common with one another than we do differences. One thing, one man that should unite us, is that cackling monkey, Hugo Chavez.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sarge,
Great site!It's refreshing to read the news without the stench of bs in the air!
I'm a junior in high school and a loud and proud supporter of our troops. I'm the proud sis of a Marine, daughter of a Vietnam Vet, and granddaughter of a WWII Veteran. I've been sending letters, care packages,and corresponding with our troops for over a year now through an awesome support site called ANYSOLDIER.COM. I've currently got a 20 yr and 21 yr old couple of guys that I've "adopted" in Iraq. They are sick of the sheehans, murtha's and maggots in the media. Thanks for tellin' it like it is and being another Patriot who refuses to be silent while they disrespect our military and dishonor their sacrifices. Have a great day and thanks for serving our country!

ssgrock said...

Thank you for stopping by Danielle! I so glad to find a young person such as yourself inqusitive enough to seek knowledge. For it is YOUR generation that may live to see the day that we vanquish tyrrany, or fall to it. I'm also thankful you are involved with supporting the troops. I can tell you that when I was in Iraq, nothing cheered me more than to get mail, especially care packages, and thats the gospel truth. Mail is the highlight of a deployed Soldier's day. Tell your friends to drop bye my blog once in awhile okay?


Anonymous said...

Will do! I've thought about what you said about my generation a lot lately. It's weird to think that I was 11 when Sept. 11 happened and now I've got friends going to war and even I'll be eligible for enlistment in a few months. I'm not currently planning to join. But I hope to either be a RN and work at one of the VA's/military hospitals or become a counselor for military personel returning with PTSD, etc.Long Term Mission: take care of the troops in any way possible. Let's all hope my generation rises to the challenge and defeats our new Hitlers.
Keep up the good work!