Ahmadinejad; Hitler reincarnate.
In my previous blog I commented on Hugo Chavez's speech before the UN. I can't comment on that babbling monkey without commenting on his partner in crime, the current President of Iran.
Like Chavez, Admadinejad addressed the UN recently. Although Admadinejad attempted to present himself as a genuine, enlightened, worldly politician, the reality of his deeds do not jibe with the picture he attempts to paint.
Ahmadinejad is attempting to remake his image in the west. He would like us to forget the prominent role he played in the Tehran Hostage Debacle during the Carter Presidency. Unfortunately, Americans have a short memory so it serves us well to examine this sorry excuse for a human being.
Ahmadinejad's speech to the UN was overflowing with lies and illusions that were designed to capture the imagination of the UN membership. So, he conveniently left his Islamic-fascist ideals back in Iran. Missing from his UN speech was his call for the outright destruction of Israel. Relying on his penchant for revising history, which appeals the the left of America. He continues to try to deny the legitimacy of Israel's existence.
Also missing from his UN speech? His declaration that "Islam will conquer all the mountain tops of the world." In it's place he called for "justice, spirituality, ethics, compassion and respect for human dignity." But who are the enemies of these universal values? According to Ahmadinejad, certainly not Islamic fundamentalists such as himself! After all, Islamic fundamentalists kill most non-muslims with equal vigor and elan, be they Christian, Hindu or Jew in the name of muslim supremacy and who also murder their own people for crimes like political dissent. Of course, the enemies of these universal values are the United States, and the United Kingdom, isn't that obvious? The guilty parties are the "hegemonic powers" who abuse their "privileged" status on the UN Security Council to escape accountability for their "aggression, occupation and violation of international law."
By comparison to Chavez's clownish performance before the UN, Ahmadinejad tried to present himself as an enlightened leader, modern and inclusive. But it is exactly this hypocritical posturing that makes this megalomaniac such a dangerous man. Ominously Hitler-like, Ahmadinejad is attempting to lull the world into appeasement and passivity while he plans behind closed doors to develop nuclear weapons and finances global terror with his nation's oil profits.
This man is intelligently playing the Palestinian victim hood card before a willing international audience. But his stand boils down pretty much to this. Why should a group of European survivors of the Holocaust (which he denies ever occurred) have any right to occupy a land thousands of miles from Europe "at the expense of driving millions of rightful inhabitants of the land into homelessness? To anyone with even a general understanding of history, Ahmadinejad is telling lies wrapped in a sympathetic package of bogus claims.
If I could speak to Mr. Ahmadinejad I would tell him I'm sorry to pop your delusional bubble, but the Holocaust did happen. It is beyond disingenuous for him; in the face of overwhelming evidence to deny it happened. To deny the Nazi slaughter of six million innocent Jews, demonstrates a true madness, a calculating evil temperament and an sinister motivation.
His accusations that the Israel has no right to exist stems from his delusional mind. The Jews preceded the muslims in that region by centuries. The Jews have been living in Israel for over three millennia. The Persian, King Cyrus recognized Jew's claim to their homeland. After King Cyrus conquered the city of Babylon (central Iraq) in 539 BC, he liberated Jews held captive in Babylon for three generations and encouraged them to return to their homeland in Israel and rebuilt the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. About a thousand years later in 641 BC, the Caliph, Umar decreed that Christians and Jews should be removed from most of Islamic holy lands of Arabia, and resettled them by force in lands assigned to them in Syria and Palestine. During this time in history, followers of Muhammad themselves believed that the Jews belonged in Palestine.
In 1948, Israel was recognized as an independent state by the UN . But the Arabs rejected the presence of an independent Palestinian state. The Palestinians already living inside Israel could have stayed, as some did and became Israeli citizens. Yet it was neighboring countries who encouraged the Palestinian inhabitants to leave their homes, with the promise that they would be allowed to return in short order after the Arabs attacked and drove out the Jews. For over twenty years the Palestinians could still have had their own state on the West Bank. Israeli forces were not driven out, from there or in Gaza until the 1967 when war convinced the nation of Israel that for their security the needed to be there out of necessity.
All Israel has ever wanted is to be left alone to live in peace and openly as Jews in their own lands without interference, and they were forced to fight for it on several occasions. In so doing Israel has never suppressed the rights of others who lived in Israel to practice their own faiths, which is exactly what Islamic fascists like Ahmandinejad have refused to tolerate in muslim controlled lands regarding non-muslim faiths. Instead of peace, Israelis have faced escalating campaigns to wipe them out. His words on justice, peace and human dignity before the UN runs hollow in the face of his actual intentions. If Iran ever procures a nuclear device he will use it on Israel, I guarantee it. And that will only be the opening act of his cause of global conquest in the name of Islam.
The United States and United Kingdom have proven to be responsible members of the UN Security Council and that international peace is their prime motivator by the blood and treasure our peoples have sacrificed for those causes. The US and UK championed the formulation of the UN from the destruction of WWII and together we have kept it together with financial contributions over it's life span. The US alone pays 22% of the UN's annual regular budget and billions more for other UN functions and programs. Guess how much oil rich Iran has contributed? .15%. No member of the Organization of Islamic Conference or the African continent are even in the top ten list of contributors to the UN's 2006 budget. Considering Ahmadinejad's repeated call for the destruction of Israel, a member in good standing in the UN, Iran should be expelled immediately from the UN altogether for violating this basic UN Charter! Rather, Iran is rewarded while Israel is penalized and vilified for protecting herself. Israel pays three times the amount that Iran pays, even though Iran is rich from oil sales and it has three times the share of the world's Gross Domestic Product than Israel.
The US and other functioning democracies in the world have consistently displayed compassion for the world's poor with massive public and private donations of aid. While the pretenders like Ahmadinejad of Iran seek to exploit their plight for political advantage, it's repugnant! While the US has acted as a leader in trying to prevent new genocide, such as Dafur in the Sudan, Africa, while members of the Non-Aligned Movement and Organization of Islamic Conference have either sat on their money or have aligned themselves with those who are committing genocide against their own people.
The history of WWII must be re-taught again and again to new generations of Hitler wannabes like Ahmadinejad. But alas, it seems the world democracies who lived through that horror and conquered fascism are the only ones who possess the courage to display the moral authority to rise and challenge fascism again, in our own lifetimes.
In a revealing editorial called "Sleeping with a devil in Islamic clothing," by a Somali journalist Bashir Goth, he describes the new Islamic fascist regime in Somalia, we get a taste of the Islamic-fascist idea of peace, justice and human dignity. It is not a pretty picture. The Somalians' native culture, identity, including their language is being wiped out before their eyes, much as the Taliban did in Afghanistan and the Arab muslims have done for centuries in Persia where Ahmadinejad is the latest in a long line of Islamic fundamentalists who have tried to stamp out the native Persian language, religious beliefs and culture.
Basic human rights are being denied in Somalia, as radical Islam has done in every area it has managed to take root. "The warlords use brute force to coerce people and the Islamists use brute religion to dehumanize people" wrote Bashir Goth. Islamic law (Sharia) is being applied through brute force. People who do not dutifully pray five times a day face the death penalty, he reports. Women are shackled at home.
Bashir Goth concludes: "Allowing them (the Islamists) to fulfill their agenda under the pretext of returning Somalia to peace is not only myopic but also foolhardy and sleeping with a devil in Islamic clothing." (Source: The Middle East Media Research Institute, Special Dispatches Series - No 1290, September 15, 2006, from Awdalnews.com, August 26, 2006).
This is the kind of world that this little man, (Ahmadinejad) has in store for the world if he gets his hands on a nuclear weapon. You are a FOOL if you believe this Islamic fascist nutcase when he boldly lies and manipulates the vocabulary of Western enlightenment and democratic values as he did in his pack of lies and accusations at the UN last week.
Ahmadinejad is an evil man bent on bringing about the Islamic version of the apocalypse. He desires to hasten the appearance of the hidden Imam which is supposedly to usher in an era of Islamic domination of the world.
I say, if you give this man an inch, he will take a mile, and then you will discover too late, you were a willing fool. He will lead you to slaughter. He will smile at you and shake your hand if it brings about the downfall of everything non-muslim in the world. Ahmadinejad is as evil as they come. He is trying to use our open, freedom loving society, our compassion, our freedom of speech and our tolerance to bring about our own destruction.
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