Lets talk about Democrats
Before the euphoria over the earth shaking victory of Ned Lamont over Joseph Lieberman in the Connecticut primary, the liberal Democrats have had cold water rudely splashed in their faces. How can this be? Joe Lieberman is now polling in front of Ned Lamont in the Connecticut general election campaign. But the liberals had not finished slapping each other on the back for this stunning anti war referendum, this clear cut rebuff of President Bush's war in Iraq! The polls are suddenly not to be trusted! Maybe the Connecticut voters at large know something about Ned Lamont that the rest of America doesn't. Allow me to offer my opinion of this "cut and run" spineless liberal; Ned Lamont is not a serious man. His family background suggests at best a tradition of tone-deafness to threats from America's enemies. He is the grand-nephew of Corliss Lamont, an infamous Stalinist who , if he was not, as he claimed he was not, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party, arguably cheated the party of dues payments. This is not to suggest the sins of the ancestor should be visited upon the child, but it is legitimate to notice when failure to take the measure of our enemies runs in the family of a would-be U.S. Senator, if the candidate himself today appears to be carrying on that tradition. And I also happen to think Ned Lamont hates the military. He deserves a drubbing in the general election.
I apologize to those of you who, like me, knew what was going to happen in Connecticut. I am a bit disappointed that I must explain this, but how could a liberal not realize it? As is normally the case, liberals are in denial, they continue to burrow their heads ever deeper into the sand, exposing their backsides. And Lieberman is preparing to kick it but good.
I am an independent voter, I don't carry water for either party. But I'm sick and tired of the liberals who hold Republicans to a higher standard of conduct then they do themselves. So, if any liberals read this, allow me to give you a few pieces of advice that might help the Democrats in the upcoming election cycle.
Get rid of your tired, old, worn out, failure of a campaign strategy. Dump it, have you not learned the lesson? It isn't working and it won't work this time either.
For the last thirty years or so all I've ever heard from Democratic candidates is; Republicans are bad, Republicans are evil, Republicans want to take away your civil rights, constrain your liberty, force you to go to church, take money from your pay check, allow the ultra rich to get away with not paying taxes, cut social programs, cut education, increase military spending, start wars, etc, etc, etc. When should I expect these bad things to happen?
Tell me this liberals, because as an independent voter I have no problem casting a ballot for a Democrat. But what you have consistently failed to do is tell me why I should vote Democrat. All I've ever heard from liberals is why I shouldn't vote for Republicans. But I've learned through trial and error, that voting for something is far better than voting against something. And that's basically it. So, this begs the question; why haven't the Democrats tried to convince me why I should vote for one of them?
When I talk to Republican friends of mine, they have no problem in explaining their core values and vision for America, they can run it down for me in thirty seconds. But my Democrat friends can't do that. Most of them are filled with so much angst and anger that all they can do is spew a hateful diatribe against President Bush and Republicans. But they can't articulate their core values or their vision for America, they simply cannot do it. This leads me to the conclusion that they don't have core values. When I look at the Democratic party, I see a loose conglomeration of single issue activist groups, all huddled under the Democratic umbrella, and the Democratic leadership doesn't know what to do with them. They dare not alienate any of them. So the Democrats have no choice but to cater to the demands of these diverse one issue groups in the hope to keep them in the camp. Promise them anything until you get what you want.
How is it that I hear that prominent Democrats are holding meetings and conferences in remote locations to figure out what their core values are? What their message should be? Because, they don't have core values.
I hear liberals constantly saying things like, "we need to set a clear agenda" " we need to get the country going in the right direction." that's all well and good and the Democrats will capture their base, but that's not going to get any of them elected.
The liberals are cock sure that anti war sentiment will grow under their care and that alone will sweep Democrats into Congress and the Oval Office. But if you liberals refuse to heed the lesson of the Connecticut primary and the looming Joe Lieberman victory in the general election, you don't deserve to become the majority in Congress, or to win the White House, because your just plain dumb if you don't get it. The American voter doesn't want to be reduced to voting for the lesser of two evils, they want to vote for something. The liberals are forgetting about our booming economy, low unemployment, the fact that we have not had another terrorist attack on our soil, and so on and so on, etc, etc. If, the American voter is reduced to voting for the lesser of two evils, they will be more likely to vote incumbent. And the Democrats will be left scratching their heads once again and behind closed doors lamenting how stupid the average American is, that he could be so easily duped by the Republicans. When the real reason is, the Democrats don't stand for anything.
The Democrats are actually positioned by dumb luck to do well in the upcoming elections, but they aren't smart enough, they aren't disciplined enough to knock off the negative politics and focus on themselves, to find their message, articulate their agenda and how they plan to implement that agenda.
You watch, Joe Lieberman will win the Connecticut general election, I predict that officially here and now. Democrats will call me stupid, and ignore all of the warning signs, they won't change their tactics and will end up on the short end of the stick again. You can bet on it, just sit back and enjoy the Democrats in the center ring.
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