Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Convert to Islam or die!

I wonder if anyone else thinks that the recently released FOX news reporter Steven Centanni disgraced himself when he converted to Islam at the end of a gun? Something to think about isn't it?

I say it is Gutless! Absolutely gutless! What would you have done? What would I have done? I would have told the savages that kidnapped me that I'm not converting to a backward religion of violence that celebrates the killing of people that don't think like me, I've been a Christian all my life and now in my last moments on earth you expect me to flush it down the toilet? Shove it up your ass! As a stubborn crusty old sergeant, I think I can safely say, I'd either not be a muslim right now, or I'd be dead!

If I would have converted to Islam, I would at least hope I would come back to my family ashamed of myself. But more than that, I would expect my country to be disappointed in me. I truly hope that my country would classify my conversion to Islam as a convenient act of cowardice.

As of yet, I have noted no sign from Centanni of even a little shame. Lets just get down to brass tacks here shall we? Centanni took the cowards way out. He did it to save his precious hide. And worse yet, I see no indication that our society sees his conversion as an act of cowardice. This is an indication of how spineless Americans have become. We don't even seem to recognize categories of courage or cowardice any more.

What does this say about us? Americans are willing to convert to Islam in the face of adversity? Gutless! Centanni only served to deepen the opinion of our enemy that we want to live so badly that we will convert to Islam when faced with torture or death.

Another nail in the coffin America. Just another nail in the coffin. Wake up! We are in a fight for our very survival!


Ingrid said...

Poor man are you suffering from persecution complex ? I don't believe in any religion, that's all man made, bible, koran, or tora are all voluntarily interpreted just like it suits to men. In none of the above mentioned "bibles" whatever god it is, has never said you should kill. I am lucky, I don't have to convert to anything

ssgrock said...

Well, I'm glad I got someone's attention. Tell your friends to come read my blog. I promise, much more controversial topics to come!