Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My fellow Americans, I've had it up to here! If I see one more illegal alien with a stupid toothless smirk on their face, Mexican flag in one hand, upside down American flag in the other I might just go postal. Maybe all of us should?

We have allowed our compassion and our good will, coupled with the cancer of political correctness to bring us to the brink of chaos.

What is so hard to understand that 70% of Americans want action now on our southern border? What is so hard to understand that illegal aliens broke the law to get into our sovereign territory? I don't give a rats behind what job an illegal alien is willing to take. They do not have any right to be here and we don't owe them a thing!

I don't care how well behaved the illegals demonstrating in the streets of our cities are. They do not have the right! The liberal media and Ted Kennedy would have us beleive that we are witnessing the civil rights movement II. How stupid does the liberal media and Ted Kennedy think we are? As illegal aliens, modern day squatters, these people are not in a legal position to demand a thing! In order to enjoy constitutional rights you must be a US citizen, something they seem to conveniently forget and something they do not possess.

The border with Mexico is perhaps the second biggest threat to our national security at home, following closely behind our ports. Can the government tell us with any accuracy, that terrorist have not hidden among the wetbacks who sneak across the border and are now awaiting orders to strike? How many terrorist have we allowed entry into our country already? What about the mountains of drugs that are moved over and under the border? Aren't we as a nation about tired of that as well? Twelve million illegal aliens, twelve million bodies unaccounted for. Twleve million people who like parasites suck from our social systems, health care and schools, how many of these twelve million people are paying their fair share of taxes?

Where is our government?

Speaking of our government, they are obviously paralyzed with fear. I strongly suggest that you write your representatives and remind them they are in the business of making tough choices. Rather then trying to figure out how to squeeze some votes out of this issue, instead of trying to craft a bill that will keep everyone happy I want the government to do what is right for the country, track these illegals down wherever they are hiding and put them on the first thing smoking back to Mexico where they rightfully belong, they are President Fox's problem, not ours. President Bush never seems to tire of reminding us that his first priority is to protect the American people, Mr. President, this is one of those times!

President Fox, what a piece of work huh? The man is an abject failure, eager for the dollars to be returned to Mexico via the illegals in America he has taken a page from Castro's playbook, export your poor and your criminal element. Mexico is on the verge of legalizing drugs! Not just marijuana, but hard drugs! What kind of president is that? The Mexican government is corrupt, rotten to the core, 40% of the Mexican population lives below the poverty line! Mr. Fox preaches to Mr. Bush that putting up a fence is an insult to Mexico, who cares? Mexico has militarized their side of the border, I have read reports of Mexican military personnel trespassing on our side of the border and actually firing on our border agents. The next time that Mr. Bush and Mr. Fox meet, it is my fervent wish that Mr. Bush advise Mr. Fox to shove it! The illegals demonstrating in our streets would be well advised to take their placards and bullhorns to Mexico City and improve their own country.

What is so hard to understand about this issue? Have you ever heard of Aztlan? This is what many Mexicans call the American southwest region; Aztlan. They feel the freedom to migrate to America unhinderd is their birthright, do you know why? Yes, thats right, because it used to be part of Mexico. A radical element of the illegal alien population and it's supporters see the migration of illegals as nothing short of righteous military action, an invasion, an insidious plan to take back Aztlan through a rapid shift in the demographics of the region. They say that the Anglos are not making babies, they are dying. Sounds like the makings of American patriots doesn't it? I don't need to remind the reader that history will show, all great civilizations are built upon conquest and this includes Mexico, does anyone remember a civilization called the Aztecs? We fought a war with Mexico and we won, to the victor go the spoils. Thats just a brutal fact of life.

God bless the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. Volunteers who monitor the border on their own time. As a symbolic gesture meant to be a clear message to our government, they have begun to build a fence along a strategically important portion of the southern border. What is not to understand about this issue? Its simple, stop the flow of illegal aliens, pass a bill to document illegals already in our country and give them a path to citizenship and lets just see if citizenship is really what they desire.

The demostrations by the illegals and their idiot supporters have taken so much pride in over the last couple of weeks has backfired. The sight of so many illegals, so many ungrateful malcontents who think they have any right to demand anything from us has gotten Americas dander up. Historically the American people have been slow to anger, they have an ability to temper their passion. But this is reaching critical mass. America does not have the capability to absorb and infinite number of illegal aliens. There is a saturation point, there is a limit not only to our ability to support the additional people, but to our patience as well.

If the illegal aliens continue to throw these demonstrations in our face, if they continue to brag about how they have seized the attention of our congressmen and senators, the more likely it becomes that the reaction they get from the American people, and hopefully from our government will not be the one they are counting on.

I heard Trent Lott on FOX news this morning opine that the tougher congressional bill on illegal immigration has the momentum. Lets hope he is right.

On a placard held high by fat greasy wetback in Los Angeles I saw on TV proclaimed threateningly, that "Today we march, tomorrow we vote." Well, let me tell you something you fat good for nothing squatter! Today I vote, tomorrow I vote too!

Illegal aliens, GO HOME! And stay on your side of the river!

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