Friday, June 22, 2007

Our government is out of control!

Friends, I am compelled to write my thoughts on the state of our federal government. Where do I start? It is not working as our forefathers designed it, and it's time for a revolution. A revolution of the people, not a violent revolution, but a revolution at the ballot box. Our nation is in great peril in my estimation. Great danger indeed, and I'm not kidding. American voters of all stripes, it is time for us to agree on ONE thing. And that ONE thing is, we must throw out the career polititcians and get some fresh blood on Capital Hill. For the ultimate state of our government and our country rests on the shoulders of the people. Although the congress, and the senate in particular seems to think that they can do anything they want, they can't, they don't have that right and I think they are mad about it. I submit to you that there are too many senators, and some members of congress, who have been in Washington too long and they have lost their grasp on reality. The recent immigration reform debacle is just the latest issue to demonstrate that fact.

Luckily, the American public was absolutely outraged over the fact that Ted Kennedy and a select group of career senators had the audacity to put together a disasterous immigration reform package in the dead of the night, behind closed doors and try to ram it through the system with as little publicity as possible. We caught them, and we spoke in uncertain terms, loudly and clearly, by the millions that we not only opposed the contents of the bill, but that we were pissed off that the senate tried to pull a fast one on us. And they listened to us. They called us stupid, they said we didn't understand, they called us racist, called us mean, they said we won't do those jobs, etc, etc, etc. And still, amnesty went down in flames. This means that the members of congress do still fear the American voter, but they are becoming more and more brash. That means it is time to exert our power at the ballot box, it's time to remind these careerists who they work for, it is time to show them who is the boss.

The immigration reform proposal contained nothing of benefit to the American citizen and everything for illegal aliens. So, why would the senate possibly want to give these criminals a legal path to citizenship? And who thinks the government could possibly conduct a background investigation in 24 hours? Sounds like the senate reallyl does think we are naive.

Did we ask illegal aliens to come here? Who invited them? They knowingly violated our laws, they ignored our soveriegnty knowing the possible consequences. We don't owe them a damn thing!

And here we have the senate, doing verbal backflips to justify the immigration reform proposal. They said that this is the best we can do under the circumstances. What? They said that we cannot possibly find and deport every illegal alien. But who ever said we should? I say, that we should try and catch everyone of them we can and yes, deport them. This creates a deterrence effect. Which is the basis for our entire legal system. Does the IRS stop trying to catch tax evaders because they can't possibly find every one of them? No. Have we given up on the war against drugs because we can't find every smuggler? No. Do you see my point? You create doubt in the mind of others who are considering breaking our laws.

I've got nothing against immigration. My wife is a legal immigrant, and by the way, she is a better American than most people I know born here. She doesn't take our freedoms for granted. She doesn't gripe, bitch and moan about little setbacks or hardships. She knows what it is like to live in a country less free than America. These are the ideal candidates for citizenship. And I'm not anti Mexico either. But we simply must take a principled stand against a government that encourages it's citizens to immigrate to our country illegally.

It is obvious to any thinking person that there is something very fishy going on up on the hill. Some think that our government is trying to merge the US, Canada and Mexico into a union akin to the European model. And further, that they are trying to accomplish it through using the inherent powers of the beuracracy of the executive branch of government. They are trying to do it secretly. This is not a representative republic my friends, this is something else. Our government can't do such a thing without our permission and they know we won't approve, so they are trying to accomplish it in the shadows.

I encourage all Americans, liberals, conservatives and indies to look into this. I think that when you do, you will come to the inescapable conclusion that our federal government is not acting responsibly. They have forgotten who they work for, or worse, they don't care and think that they know what is better for the country than we do.

An unfortunate side effect from serving on Capital Hill is that it is a world unto itself, and it isn't long before our elected officials forget what it is like out here. That is why we need to rotate a fresh crop of junior congressmen and senators through the congress on a regular basis.

It is now obvious that our government isn't looking out for our interests, but theirs, and big business. I say it's time to throw the bums out.

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