Thursday, December 21, 2006

My fellow Rockheads, today I write to vent my frustration. I've had it with liberalism. I'm tired of their condesending, arrogance, their anger, and their meaness.

It is plain to see, there are examples of it all around you. The latest example of course is that woman, Rosie Odonnell. Has she every said anything nice about a conservative? Has she? Oh maybe if there were money involved, but I mean other than that?

Donald Trump is her latest target, and he is not standing for any of it by the way, and it's about time somebody slapped her fat jowels. You see, Rosie O'donnell is a raging lesbian, a radical lesbian, a feminist, in short, she is everything unattractive in a women today. Brash, confrontational, mean, loud, rude, arrogant, ugly, condesending, but the thing is this, she thinks that because she is a woman, and a lesbian that nobody can challenge her. You see, according to the unwritten rules of political correctness, nobody should be allowed to stand up to her, due to her various minority status she enjoys, she thinks that puts her off limits while allowing her to viciously attack others with impunity.

Why is it that liberals cannot debate based on the merits of the facts? Why is it that liberals cannot debate without calling their opponents nasty names? Why must liberals wallow in the mud like that? I'll tell you why, because conservatives aren't willing to go there, it is the liberal sanctuary. Why is it that liberals cannot defend the tenants of their philosophy? Hell, do you even know a liberal who can describe their philosophy to you? Bet you don't. Because they don't have one. It seems to me that liberalism is a ghost movment, a loose conglomoration of single issue radical groups pushing their particular cause and all falling (thankfully) under the Democratic umbrella. My friends, a simple experiment can demonstrate this for you easily. Ask a conservative to explain conservatism to you, and he can do it in about thirty seconds. Ask a liberal to explain theirs and you'll never get the same answer twice.

I know conservatives who have had their cars egged for no other reason that they have a George Bush bumper sticker on their car. I know conservatives who have had their yards toilet paperd for no other reason that they had a campaign sign touting a Republican in their yard.

In some liberal internet discussion boards I participate on I have read some of the most offensive, inaccurate, mean statements about President Bush that I can scarcely beleive an American wrote them. I never saw such inflammatory things written about President Clinton, because conservatives refuse to stoop to that level.

My friends, I'm planning on writing about this topic in detail after Christmas and New Years. Untill then, remember the reason for the season. Thank the Lord above for your life and your family, thank him for being blessed to live in this land. And don't let the liberal cabal get you down. Feel free to post some comments describing some of your experiences with liberals and progressives and I'll incorporate them into my next blog entry.

Merry Christmas friends.

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