Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Democrats hold a defeatathon in the Congress.

Well my friends, it is the same old thing, same shit, different day. Harry Reed and the surrender party are on Capital Hill once again, yapping about how we've lost the war. Well, when are we going to lose? Where is the proof? Because there is still fighting going on? That hardly qualifies for defeat.

The Democrats are nothing but a puppets on strings, with the ultra left lunatics as the puppet master. The left wing blogs scream about hair brained conspiracy theories one after another, as fast as they can make them up they irresponsibly throw them on the internet for the gullible among us to lap up like a bunch of helpless puppies.

We have Democrats in the House and Senate, that do nothing but attack Bush, attack Bush, attack Bush. Does it take a brain surgeon to figure out what is going on? Look, the Democrats see losing in Iraq as their ticket to the White House and a Congressional majority and there you have it. That's what this is all about to them, it is all the matters to them. To hell with the troops, to hell with Iraqis, to hell with terrorism and to hell with national security, as long as they win. But what happens then? If they win I mean? Have any of them put forth a strategy? I tell you Rockheads, if the Democrats win in 08, we are one step closer to the demise of Western Civilization.

Look at some other issues as well and you can easily see what the Democrats are up to. The "Fairness Doctrine" what in the hell is that supposed to do? It is supposed to dilute talk show content by mandating the same amount of time to air the "other side" of an issue. Well, if they do that to talk radio, don't they have to apply the same stupid regulation to TV? Magazines and news papers? Don't they have to apply this "doctrine" to every form of public media? But, my friends they aren't thinking about that, they are trying to prevent conservative Americans from connecting with each other through talk radio, because it will give them an advantage and take away an effective form of media for conservatism. Typical liberal bullshit, if you can't win the debate, shut the other side up, shut them down, freeze them out of the discussion. That is the only way liberalism can gain a foothold. I tell you, Democrats today are nothing but socialists. They will raise our taxes and expand government social welfare programs, the modern day equivalent to slavery, make the populace dependent upon their largess and they have to vote for you for their very survival. I urge you to read up on "The Dictator" Chavez, and the laws he has put in place to control the media. The Responsibility in Media law, limits Venezuelan television and other media in how frequently, and how severely they criticize the government and my friends, that is exactly the same philosophy of the "Fairness Doctrine." To hell with freedom of speech. When I look at the internet, at liberal websites, I see some of the most irresponsible speech, the most reprehensible, hateful graphics, such as our the President of our Nation dressed in a Nazi uniform, made into the likeness of a chimp and so on, and the Democrats want to lecture me about responsible use of media? Give me a break.

My friends, you won't find the liberal media reporting this, but today the stock market opened at 14,000! Why is that significant? Well, if you were to believe the Democrats and the liberal media, you would think that we have soup lines in every city and town in America, because they want you to believe our economy is worse than it was under President Carter. The truth is, the economy is alive and well, it is robust, it is growing, and there is nothing that can stop it except electing Democrats. In our nation's entire history, the stock market has never hit 14,000 points. Unemployment is at a historic low, real estate is red hot, tax revenue is up and the list goes on. Don't you think that is worth a mention? I do, but you won't hear it from Democrats or the media, and you know damn good and well why. Because it would shine a positive light on the Bush tax cuts, and his economic policies. But all you will hear from them is nit picking about how this segment of America or that is living in poverty, in other words, splitting hairs and literally looking for any bad news they can find. Imagine if the "Fairness Doctrine" was applied to them today. Whoah Nelly! Oh, but I forgot, the "Fairness Doctrine" will only apply to talk radio.

The Democrats and the spineless left, would have you believe that the war in Iraq is all but lost. They claim the midterms were a mandate to end the war. Well, why don't they end it? They could do it in one day by defunding the war. The truth is, our hypocritical Democrats don't want the war to end, they want it to go on because they need it to beat the anti war drum daily. They don't have the courage to defund the war, because they know they don't have the support of the American people! I swear, I don't know how stupid Democrats think American are, but they don't seem to have any problems with lying to us and I'm sick and tired of it! I'm sick of watching elected representatives get up in front of a microphone and tell us the most incredible lies and thinking that they are making any kind of sense at all. It's just incredible.

We have a muslim in the congress now, did you know that? I saw a clip of him lecturing at a high school, and was he ever in stride. How irresponsible can one be? To stand in front of a class full of impressionable kids, and indoctrinate them with lies, with insane, crazy 9/11 theories? How irresponsible it is, to compare anyone in our government, Democrat or Republican to the Nazi party? What is this supposed to accomplish? It is supposed to make young people hate their own country, hate their own culture, hate their history, and to hate themselves. Now, this is not really anything new from the left, but I think it is significant because we have an American Congressman, and he IS a muslim remember, doing it. Did I mention the demise of Western Civilization? Sometimes I think that is exactly what our misguided brethren of the left really want. They want our nation to fall because they think it would give them an opportunity to rebuild our form of government from scratch. A socialist government.

Political correctness is slowly strangling the life's breath from our country. We have illegal immigrants literally flooding over our southern border by the thousands every day. We have people being sued, being fired, being tried in the court of public opinion and we have miscarriages of justice all because they said the politically incorrect thing. How flipping crazy are we going to allow this to get before we regain our senses? I remember a day when being discriminatory was a good thing, it meant you appreciated the finer things in life, that you valued quality, and demanded it. Now, it has a negative connotation, thanks to political correctness overload. I tell you, if it keeps going like this, we'll have political correctness police patrolling the streets writing out citations if they hear someone say something that "is not allowed." Our country is going under my friends, obviously our congress is paralyzed because all they care about is elections, instead of doing whats right for America and Americans. Our government seems to be worried about everything "except" America.

And so, the Democrats have been in charge for almost a year now. I think this presents the perfect opportunity to reflect upon the stupendous achievements of our Democratically controlled congress. Lets make a list shall we?

1. Passed a raise in the minimum wage.

That's it my friends. The product so far of the blue tsunami. We've got the Democrats in congress today, wasting more time, arguing about the war. I wonder if the hookers in Washington D.C. will be putting in some overtime tonight, you think? Oh well, the Democrats don't claim to have any values anyway, so they are immune from practicing them right? And if they accidentally knock some hooker up, they can just run down to the drugstore and buy a pack of instant abortion pills and voila! No more baby. Yep, those Democrats, what a shining example for our children. What a joke.

Friends, the Democrats have sold their soul to the devil. Exchanged their opportunity for eternal life to reign on high during their very short time here on earth. And there is only one thing that can stop them from turning our nation into a socialist state. We must send a clear message in the upcoming elections, we must tell them that yes, although we are very angry with our government on the whole, we aren't willing to throw the baby out with the bath water.

My friends, I can say in all honesty that I've never been more concerned about our nation's future. Everything that is happening today was preventable. It is up to us to be responsible citizens, it is our sacred duty to vote and to vote inelligently, to vote for the person we think is the best candidate, not because we hate his opponent. We are at a crossroads, what will we do? Will we sell our collective soul to the devil in order to take the easy way out and leave our children and grandchildren with the mess when we are gone? I don't know about you, but I'm going to fight the socialist Democrats every step of the way. It is up to us to expose them for the liars that they are, to see through their scare tactics, and it is up to us to put them in their place. After all, they do work for us.