Are you going to line George Tenant's pockets?
George Tenant has no shame. Here we have the man who was responsible for an agency that provided intelligence to President's Clinton and now Bush, running around on TV shooting off his big yapper about how he has absolved himself of any blame for the pre Iraq War intelligence debacle!
Because this man has a connection to the Democratic party, through his service in the Clinton Administration, he is being handed a free pass. And now, he has the unmitigated gall to write a tell all book? Just imagine for a second, that Donald Rumsfeld wrote such a book. Do you think he would be given the same free pass the media is giving Tenant? Not on your life!
Where will all of the profits from Tenant's books sales go? Straight into his pockets. Do you think that perhaps the thought ever entered his mind to donate the profits to the Soldiers who were sent to Iraq based on his faulty intelligence? Probably not.
There are no morals to be found on Capital Hill today. George Tenant is barely better than Benedict Arnold, just barely. Everything is the fault of George Bush. Tenant doesn't even have the guts to stand up like a man and accept the consequences for the intelligence his agency produced. His "slam dunk" comment didn't mean what everyone thought? Oh, my goodness, hey Mr. Tenant, how stupid do you think I am? How stupid do you think Americans are?
And now, the final stab in the back. Tenant runs around from one television show to another jumping on the "Everything is George Bush's Fault" Bandwagon.
I have a suggestion for George Turncoat Tenant. Get on an airplane, fly to Iraq and apologize to each and every Soldier who is over there. Then come back and apologize to the family of every dead American Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine and Coast Guardsman. Seems like a funny time to write a tell all book to me. Now that it is okay to voice certain criticisms about the war, George Tenant speaks out. Yeah, now that it's safe. Now that the heat on him has died down.
I haven't forgotten your dismal performance George Tenant. I haven't forgotten, and I think you are one despicable human being.
You were for the war in the beginning and that is exactly what you mean with your "slam dunk" comment. Where is your courage of conviction Mr. Tenant? You were for the war then but you criticize it now. Lame! Just plain lame Mr. Tenant. I hope you choke on all of that money you are preparing to get standing on the back of the troops.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Democrats; Demonizing the Military
Yesterday, General David Patreaus was on Capital Hill to brief government officials and members of congress about the current situation in Iraq. But if you were watching the main stream media you might not have even learned that he was in Washington D.C. Why was such a significant news event unreported? I submit to you that many members of the media and house democrats didn't want you to know, I submit to you that the main stream media and the democrats in congress are embarked on a disinformation campaign designed to demonize the military. They seem to be following the Vietnam template to set conditions that may well see the day when our returning Iraq Veterans return to a United States that does not appreciate their efforts, worse, that they step off the plane only to be spat upon by the self righteous anti war surrender monkeys.
As the military dutifully executes it's duty in Iraq, trudging forward, quelling violence block by block, attempting to create the conditions of stability that will permit diplomats the opportunity to find a political solution, there is an insidious effort, ongoing. A subtle propaganda campaign by democrats and members of the media, and our troops are their target. Democrats are fond of telling America that even General Patreaus himself states that the military cannot resolve the situation. This is true, but the democrats fail to add that the military is a vital component of the whole equation. Meanwhile, the media elite and democrats continue to slap our military in the face and undermine the faith most Americans feel toward the military and members of the military. Naively believing that they will eventually be given a fair shake in the media our military bravely meets the enemy, sacrificing life and limb for an increasingly ambivalent nation and an unsupportive congress.
Slowly but surely, the leadership of the surrender monkey party (Democrats), bang on the anti war bongo drum, subtly undermining the military. Anti military bomb throwers in the media and house democrats describe unfortunate breaches of high moral standards maintained by military members, not as the aberrations they are, but as the norm. They paint insignificant setbacks as shocking defeats. Statements made by insignificant Iraqi tribal members as representative of the Iraqi population. What passes for journalism when it comes to reporting on the war is simply irresponsible, inaccurate one sided propaganda.
The inane rantings of Cindy Sheehan, Rosie O'Donnell, Bill Mahr, John Murtha and Nancy Pelosi just to name a few begin to gain traction through sheer repetitiveness. And gradually, those who have always hated the military feel emboldened and crawl out from under the rocks they live under. And slowly, the nation gets accustomed to seeing their hateful and disgusting antics; they get used to seeing their repugnant message.
General Patreaus briefed members of congress yesterday but guess who was not in attendance? None other than the Shrieker of the House Pelosi, and the alpha surrender monkey John Murtha. How can this be seen as anything other than a clear and public rebuff of the General? He travels all this way and is publicly, symbolically slapped in the face by Murtha and Pelosi? Are you telling me that neither of them could make the appropriate adjustment to their schedules so as to allow them to attend this very important briefing? My friends, Pelosi and Murtha aren't interested in hearing good news about our efforts in Iraq. Their minds are made up; we lost. Which is exactly the perception they are trying to create.
Over the last few days the media have stumbled all over Jessica Lynch and the Tillman family appearing before members of the congress, you can almost picture various TV news anchors drooling over the prospect of what would be said in those meetings. But where was the coverage of General Patreaus' visit to Capital Hill? Well, his visit doesn't meet the prerequisites of the media's agenda which is to present news in a carefully crafted way to undermine men like General Patreaus and the men and women he leads.
The Democratically controlled Congress of the United States approved an emergency war funding bill yesterday that contains congressionally mandated time lines for troop withdrawal despite many promises by the president to veto it. The democrats seem to be hell bent on buying part ownership of the war in Iraq, resulting in them sharing the blame line with the president. Not a terribly astute move politically. But nobody has accused the Democrats of ever being politically astute. In the unlikely event that President Bush signs the bill, Democrats will be partly responsible for the consequences of the war and directly responsible for what happens if we leave prematurely, which is a subject that Democrats avoid considering like the black plague. For now, the Democrats will be satisfied if they can destroy the good reputation of our military.
What is the most frustrating thing about recent events is that the Democratic strategy is patently obvious, but the media steadfastly refuses to report it. The Democrat agenda is to stop victory in Iraq at any cost. To demonize the military. Deny President Bush any chance to claim even a modicum of success in Iraq and this is all for one prime objective. To land a Democrat in the Oval Office in January of 2009.
It amazes me that the Democrats are being taken seriously. Have any Democrats discussed what happens after we withdraw? Surely America understands the kind of total chaos that will rule the streets of Baghdad, of the high probability of very serious regional warfare? Of the likelihood that terrorists, freed from the task of meeting our troops in Iraq, will follow the troops home and begin operations inside our own borders? Does America understand that? I sometimes wonder.
Democrats are guilty of skewing the facts of Iraq. Omission of pertinent facts in describing events. Twisting other people's words, the embellishment of negative incidents as well as out and out lying to America. This is all because they must have defeat, after all, they are heavily invested in our defeat. The Democrats have painted themselves into a corner through their history of publicly saying irresponsible and stupid things about the subject. Ignoring our successes and playing up our missteps or setbacks, it is blatantly obvious which way they want the tide to turn in Iraq. They are on the side of the terrorists, they are allied with the enemy. Let there be NO doubt about that, it isn't even debatable.
I want to be understood. I don't think that the Army is perfect. Obviously, the Pentagon has mishandled some issues and given the Army a black eye, that kind of thing happens, even accidentally. The Pat Tillman issue is just sad all the way around. I do not defend the conduct of the Pentagon with regard to the Pat Tillman issue, but try and remember this. Could it be that the Army made it's decision based on compassion for the Tillman family? I don't blame the Tillman family for being bitterly angry with the Army. But lets keep it in perspective , the troops in Iraq, and Afghanistan by in large adhere to the high moral and ethical standards that have always been the basic tenants of Soldierly conduct.
In closing I ask you to ponder this. Will the Democrats be happy when they ultimately destroy the image of the military? The last remaining federal organization to enjoy the respect of the American people? Who will they attack after that? Look at the evidence, they have gone after the tobacco industry, automobile manufacturers, fast food, energy, Wal-Mart, the wealthy, anywhere they can extract money for their precious social welfare state, because control of that welfare state is the ultimate power and modern day slavery. They would blackmail their own grandparents if they thought they could get away with it. If the American public's complacency remains, the Democrats might be able to usher in a new era in government. For all of the disinformation that we all know is contained in the Democratic message, it is folly to trust them. And we do so at our own collective peril. The warning signs are ominous and the stakes could not be higher.
If the Democrats are willing to sully the reputation of the United States Military, they are willing to stop at nothing in their naked pursuit of perpetual power.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Rockheads, I've neglected my blog that nobody reads. But I have been very busy with life and the pursuit of wealth, etc.
I don't even know what topic to comment on, there have been so many since my last entry.
How about the Shrieker of The House? Running around the middle east complicating foreign policy for the executive branch. Isn't it great that she decided this was alegitimate role for the legislative branch? Since when? Did I miss the amendment to the constitution? What unmitigated gall! The pure audacity, the arrogance, the selfishness, the megalomania! Of course, there are leftist, nutjob, kooks out there who will claim that congressional fact finding committees travel overseas all the time and that Pelosi's trip is common enough. But oh, if only that were so. If only she would stay!
How is it that the Prime Minister of Israel; according to Pelosi, gave her a letter stating that Israel was ready to have peace negotiations with Syria? Well how about that? Hey Peloski! Haven't you fucking heard? Israel doesn't negotiate with terrorists let alone bend over and kiss their feet. Well what do you know? Turns out that the Prime Minister's office claims they gave that wacky wench no such letter. Ha ha ha! Pelosi, isn't fooling me, I don't know about you but I'm tired of the Democrats treating me like a damn fool. Look, I'm not stupid and I know damn good and well why she made this trip and it reverts back to President Bush, doesn't it always with these nitwits?
I have yet to be disproved, that the liberal nut jobs across America are still stuck in the year 2000. They are still squinting their eyes trying to imagine up votes for Gore that weren't counted! Stuck in the past, that's the Democratic Party for you! So, why is it, that Dancing Nancy decided to take this little middle east junket? Was it so she could try out her brand new carbon discharging giant airplane? No, I know what she is talking about with these dictators and terrorists. She is saying that if a Democrat gets elected to the Oval Office, things are going to change, that we'll get out of the way and let them do whatever they want to do in their part of the world. Whatever they want to do is okay with her, even torturing it's citizens, killing women and children. And, my friends, have the Democrats ever been right when it comes to foreign policy? Think about it for a few minutes, just give it a second or two of honest thought; what did you come up with? Yeah, me too. Nothing.
I can picture the leaders of these terrorist states and our muslim enemy, laughing their little brown asses off at Pelosi, thinking that she could possibly come to the middle east, and think that she would have the same credibility and influence as a man. Do you think? I'll tell you this, those guys are playing her skinny ass like a fiddle! Pelsoi is giving these terrorist assholes the credibility they have sought for decades. Thanks a lot Pelsoi, you fucking DOLT!
Iran releases the captured British Sailors and Marines and call it a "gift" to the British people. What a load of crap!
I don't have time to comment at length, but keep your eyes open, keep your ear to the ground Rockheads. Be on the alert. The Democrats are stealth socialists and communists, pure and simple. If you think Bush is a fascist like the ultra hating liberal ass hats in this country? You just let our country fall under the free spending ways of Hillary Clinton from the Oval Office and Nancy Pelosi as Shrieker of the House. My fellow Rockheads, if we allow that to happen, the Republic is doomed.
And I mean that....
I don't even know what topic to comment on, there have been so many since my last entry.
How about the Shrieker of The House? Running around the middle east complicating foreign policy for the executive branch. Isn't it great that she decided this was alegitimate role for the legislative branch? Since when? Did I miss the amendment to the constitution? What unmitigated gall! The pure audacity, the arrogance, the selfishness, the megalomania! Of course, there are leftist, nutjob, kooks out there who will claim that congressional fact finding committees travel overseas all the time and that Pelosi's trip is common enough. But oh, if only that were so. If only she would stay!
How is it that the Prime Minister of Israel; according to Pelosi, gave her a letter stating that Israel was ready to have peace negotiations with Syria? Well how about that? Hey Peloski! Haven't you fucking heard? Israel doesn't negotiate with terrorists let alone bend over and kiss their feet. Well what do you know? Turns out that the Prime Minister's office claims they gave that wacky wench no such letter. Ha ha ha! Pelosi, isn't fooling me, I don't know about you but I'm tired of the Democrats treating me like a damn fool. Look, I'm not stupid and I know damn good and well why she made this trip and it reverts back to President Bush, doesn't it always with these nitwits?
I have yet to be disproved, that the liberal nut jobs across America are still stuck in the year 2000. They are still squinting their eyes trying to imagine up votes for Gore that weren't counted! Stuck in the past, that's the Democratic Party for you! So, why is it, that Dancing Nancy decided to take this little middle east junket? Was it so she could try out her brand new carbon discharging giant airplane? No, I know what she is talking about with these dictators and terrorists. She is saying that if a Democrat gets elected to the Oval Office, things are going to change, that we'll get out of the way and let them do whatever they want to do in their part of the world. Whatever they want to do is okay with her, even torturing it's citizens, killing women and children. And, my friends, have the Democrats ever been right when it comes to foreign policy? Think about it for a few minutes, just give it a second or two of honest thought; what did you come up with? Yeah, me too. Nothing.
I can picture the leaders of these terrorist states and our muslim enemy, laughing their little brown asses off at Pelosi, thinking that she could possibly come to the middle east, and think that she would have the same credibility and influence as a man. Do you think? I'll tell you this, those guys are playing her skinny ass like a fiddle! Pelsoi is giving these terrorist assholes the credibility they have sought for decades. Thanks a lot Pelsoi, you fucking DOLT!
Iran releases the captured British Sailors and Marines and call it a "gift" to the British people. What a load of crap!
I don't have time to comment at length, but keep your eyes open, keep your ear to the ground Rockheads. Be on the alert. The Democrats are stealth socialists and communists, pure and simple. If you think Bush is a fascist like the ultra hating liberal ass hats in this country? You just let our country fall under the free spending ways of Hillary Clinton from the Oval Office and Nancy Pelosi as Shrieker of the House. My fellow Rockheads, if we allow that to happen, the Republic is doomed.
And I mean that....
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