I've learned additional details that make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I recently have had what previously would have been considered an insane thought, and that is that there is a secret movement to merge the US, Canada and Mexico into a kind of "supernation."
Here is just some of what I've found.
President Bush seems to have an irrational resistance to take any action on the southern border or to enforce our existing laws that require the deportation of illegal immigrants. Is it possible that some in government know something that we do not? We have been unaware of the backroom wheelings and dealings with the governments of Mexico, Canada, business leaders and certain groups who favor a sort of merger of the three nations. Is there a movement to eliminate the borders between the US, Canada and Mexico? Read on.
Ever heard of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP)? I'll tell you more about it shortly, it is a very interesting group.
Few news organizations have addressed this issue. I thought it was a silly thought when it first entered my mind. Who could possibly be in favor of merging three sovereign nations? But, it seems that at least some in news media have taken notice.
Lou Dobbs of CNN Moneyline said this: "A regional prosperity and security program?" He asked in a recent program. "This is absolute ignorance. And the fact that we are - that we reported this, we should point out, when it was signed. But, as we watch this thing progress, these working groups are continuing. They're intensifying. What in the world are these people thinking about? You know, I was asked the other day about whether or not I really thought the American people had the stomach to stand up and stop this nonsense, this direction from a group of elites, an absolute contravention of our laws, of our Constitution, every national value. And I hope, I pray that I'm right when I said yes. But this is - I mean, this is beyond belief."
It looks like Lou Dobbs is on the case; this is good. What has Mr. Dobbs and a growing number of Americans troubled began March 31, 2005, when elected officials of the US, Mexico and Canada agreed on the agenda of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. The agenda of this group has been secretive until now. These leaders agreed to work toward easier and faster moving of goods and people between the countries. Here is a transcript of Lou Dobbs from a June 21 edition of his news program on CNN:
Republican Representative Tom Tancredo (Colorado) who is chairman of the House Immigration Reform Caucus and who authored a book called "In Mortal Danger," seems to be the only elected representative who has called the White House to task. He has demanded that the Bush Administration fully disclose the activities of the government office implementing the trilateral agreement, and notes that if it is true, it has no authorization from Congress. Further, he wants to know who makes up the membership of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) groups along with all documentation that exists.
The co-founder of the Minutemen Jim Gilchrest chimes in; "It's time for the Bush Administration to come clean. If President Bush's agenda is to establish a new North American union government to supersede the sovereignty of the United States, then the president has an obligation to tell this to the American people directly. The American public has a right to know." The right to know indeed Mr. Gilchrest!
The head of the SPP Office; a woman named Geri Wood told Worldnet Daily, that the work had not been disclosed because, "we did not want to get the contact people of the working groups distracted by calls from the public."
Is the actual reason for President Bush's foot dragging on taking action on our southern border because he has a secret goal to expand NAFTA into something bigger? Phyllis Schlafly commented on the topic by saying this: "Is the real push behind the guest-worker proposals the Bush goal to expand NAFTA into the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, which he signed at Waco, Texas, last year and reaffirmed at Cancun, Mexico, this year?" She asks. "Bush is a globalist at heart and wants to carry out his father's oft-repeated ambition of a 'new world order.'" She out and out accuses the president and others behind the effort of wanting to obliterate US borders in an effort to increase the Mexican population transfer and lower wages for the benefit of US corporate interests. Schlafly continues; "Bush meant what he said at Waco, Texas, in March 2005, when he announced his plan to convert the United States into a 'Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America' by erasing our borders with Canada and Mexico," she said. "Bush's guest-worker proposal would turn the United States into a boardinghouse for the world's poor, enable employers to import an unlimited number of 'willing workers' at foreign wage levels, and wipe out what's left of the US middle class. Bush lives in a house well protected by a fence and security guards and he associates with rich people who live in gated communities. Yet for five years, he has refused to protect the property and children of ordinary Arizona citizens from trespassers and criminals." Harsh words, but not completely inaccurate. And an eye opening remark coming from one of Ronald Reagan's most loyal supporters.
The Pittsburgh Tribune Review, noticed the seeming momentum toward some kind of North American Superstate. The paper mentions an idea of replacing the US and Canadian dollars and the Mexican peso with "the amero" along with the current efforts to build a NAFTA - like super state. Citing the meeting of the three national leaders at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, in March, 2005, the editorial warns: "Canadians, Mexicans and Americans who value the sovereignty of their respective nations should be concerned."
The Tribune Review noted a synergy between the plans of the national leaders and the agenda of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) seen by them as a secretive, shadowy elitist style governmental body. The CFR did issue an announcement in Waco that was signed by President Bush and his Canadian and Mexican counterparts.
The CFR also published a report in May called "Building a North American Community, it calls for, redefining the borders of the US, Canada and Mexico, and the creation of a super-regional governmental body and the North American Paramilitary Group to ensure that Congress does not interfere with whatever the trilateral union feels like doing." said the paper.
The CFR report is a five year plan for the establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community with a common outer security perimeter.
When I consider all of this I see it as laying the groundwork for a merger of the US, Canada and Mexico, what else could it be? It calls for common economic space, for all people in the region, a space in which trade, capital and people cross all borders freely as well as the creation of a paramilitary group for it's defense.
The CFR strategy calls specifically for the nations to harmonize visa and asylum regulations and efforts to harmonize entry screening. The report goes on to state that Bush, Fox and Martin "committed their governments" to this goal March 23, 2005 in a meeting at Waco, Texas.
The Amero is not a new idea for it was proposed by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian think tank, in a monogram titled "The Case for the Amero" in 1999.
Get this! Last month, the SPP made a move in plain sight. In Washington, on June 15, US Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, Mexican Economy Minister Sergio Garcia de Alba and Canadian Minister of Industry Maxime Benier joined North American business leaders and named the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC). This seems to indicate that the March 2005 meeting was not a joke and that plans announced by the three national leaders then, would continue to advance. The NACC was first announced by Bush, Harper and Fox, although few took notice then.
The NACC is comprised of ten high level business leaders from each country, the NACC meets annually with North American government officials to provide recommendations and help set priorities for promoting regional competitiveness in the global economy. Take a look at the membership, these are highly powerful businessmen and we all know the influence that business can leverage on our governments. United Parcel Service Inc. Chairman Michael Eskew; James Kilt, Vice Chairman of Gillette Inc.; Douglas Conant, President of Campbell's Soup Co.; Frederick Smith, Chairman of FedEx Corp.; Lou Schorsh, Chief Executive of Mittal Steel USA.; Joseph Gilmour, President of New York Life Insurance Co.; William Clay Ford, Chairman of Ford Motor Co.; Rick Wagoner, Chairman of General Motors Corp.; Raymond Gilmartin, CEO of Merck & Co, Inc.; David O'Reilly, Chief Executive of chevron Corp.; Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman of General Electric.; Lee Scott, President of Wal-Mart Stores Inc.; Robert Stevens, Chairman of Lockheed Martin Corp and Michael Haverty, Chairman of Kansas City Southern.
That is an impressive list by anyone's standard.
Gutierrez stated that the Bush Administration is determined to develop a "border pass" on schedule despite worries about it's implementation. The new land pass is to be in effect for Canadians, Americans and Mexicans by Jan 1, 2008.
Consider the relative secrecy of the US government in the work to build the NAFTA Superhighway and the US/Mexican Totalization Agreement and who knows what else and you have a recipe for a government making some potentially nation shaking news. And so far, this has been done very quietly, I for one am quite shocked by it, even if it does tend to explain the lack of vigor with which our government is taking on the illegal immigration issue.
As a member of the voting public we should all do our duty to educate ourselves on this issue and begin communicating with our elected officials about it.
For some shocking news read about the NAFTA Superhighway project and further take a look at this chat board frequented by American truck drivers, . And if that weren't enough take a look at the US/Mexico Totalization Agreement, this agreement provides (among other things) social security benefits for naturalized Americans which seems perfectly reasonable. However, the agreement allows naturalized citizens to make the date of their social security benefits retroactive to the date they came to America, even if they did so illegally, and that in the event of their death, the benefits will go to a designated beneficiary even a non-US citizen living abroad, . Although our government would like us to remain blissfully unaware of these two items, there are some good websites that address both. I recommend that you google up some of them and read.
In closing, I'd like to mention that the president of North American Super Corridor Coalition (NASCO) a non-profit group that describes itself as being dedicated to developing the world's first international, integrated and secure, multi-model transportation system along the International Mid-Continent Trade and Transportation Corridor to improve both the trade competitiveness and quality of life in North America. The president of NASCO (George Blackwood), who earlier began the North American International Trade Corridor Partnership. As a matter of fact, NAITCP morphed into NASCO. A NAITCP summit meeting in 2004 that was attended by senior Mexican government officials, heard a speaker by the name of Robert Pastor, an American University professor who wrote "Toward a North American Community"
A book promoting the development of a North American union as a regional government and the adoption of the "amero" as a common monetary currency to replace the dollar and the peso. Pastor was also the vice chairman of the May, 2005 Council of Foreign Relations task force entitled "Building a North American Community" that presents itself as a blueprint for using bureaucratic action within the executive branches of the US, Mexico and Canada to transform the current trilateral Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America into a North American union regional council.
My fellow Americans, think about this. Bush, Fox and Martin the "Three Amigos" have already gone too far and it is up to us to stop this insanity. Americans have no obligation to finance the economic recovery of Mexico, nor should we take on a similar responsibility for Canada, that is work for the Canadian and Mexican governments and peoples. Don't Americans have enough on there collective plate at the moment?
I think so.